Peter Brabeck-Letmathe speaks for himself
The response
Protest in California shuts down Nestle
same thing is happening in Florida. 12 different companies
hold permits giving them the right to drain as much water from our aquifers as
they want. The price of this permit is all but nothing. This is not happening
because anyone thinks it is good for the citizens of Florida. This is happening because
the corrupt demagogues who keep conning their way back into office year after
year in Florida with ads about God and how their opponent is
a pedophile, closet Muslim terrorist or philatelist are getting fat on graft (the unscrupulous use of a politician's authority for personal gain). I
am not exaggerating. The late Claude Pepper, running as an incumbent, lost his
US senate seat representing Florida to an opponent, George Smathers, who
accused Pepper of being a philatelist (someone who collects stamps) and a flaming
heterosexual who practiced celibacy before his marriage to a woman who was
already well known at that time as a thespian (someone who acts in plays).
As we speak, many
of the winners in the last election have already transferred their winnings
off-shore while laughing at the stupidity of the deluded little dupes who put
them in office. If you voted for Rick Scott, I am talking about you and the
people you voted for last election and the election before and will keep voting
for again and again until you die of either thirst or the long-range effects of
drinking tap-water that will light if you put a match to it.
The CEO of Nestle, Peter
Brabeck-Letmathe, thinks that phony people (corporations motivated exclusively
by greed) and not real people (who live with water around or under them that
they need to survive as much as the air around and above them) own all the
water. In Florida, he is right
thanks to that permit I mentioned earlier. Why does a phony Swiss citizen
(Nestle) own the water under your feet? Because the people who get elected in
Florida sold him (Nestle) a cheap permit that allows Nestle to make billions
draining as much water as they can sell anywhere in the world from Florida's aquifers.
This was a horrible deal for Florida and a very
profitable deal for Nestle and, I am quite sure, for the fervent apostles of
tickle-down economics that sold a permit worth billions for peanuts.
Soon, Nestle will
buy a license to hunt and fish. Ten years later, there will not be a fish
swimming in fresh water or an edible beast left alive in the forests of
Florida. Anything is possible in a state where politicians will sell the water
right out from under their constituent's feet. Maybe Rick Scott and the whole
sick crew will move to Switzerland after Florida becomes
uninhabitable. That is probably where the money has gone already.