Aug 14, 2015


Jung believed that intuition was a sense, a way of gathering information about reality just as important as sight. Intuition might also be called insight and defined as grasping the  significance of what you see based on a web of feelings and associations that makes that significance personal. This web acts as a code which gets us from what we see (signifier) to what this experience means (signified). One has to be in touch with one's feelings and lack any significant degree of denial in relationship to previous life experience to trust intuition as a guide to behavior. I often respond to situations out of what I know without being able to explain how I know or even what exactly I know with any clarity. This works out well for me more times than not. I often make decisions that are intuitively "right" for me without being able to articulate a motive that would justify those decisions as being "right" in any other sense. I can, however, often explain the motives behind those decisions in hind-sight from where making those decisions took me. I almost never know where I am going or why until I get there. People in denial also only know where they are and how they got there after the fact and keep returning to that place over and over again.

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